- Pediatric Dentist
- Community Breast Feeding Educator
- Certified Laser/Electrocautery/Scalpel Provider
- Continuing Education Provider for DDS, IBCLC's with CME credit
Dr. Randy Ligh works with a “team” of specialists to help you and your child determine if there are latch/breastfeeding issues, feeding issues, speech articulation/intelligibility concerns and intraoral growth and development issues.
Potential “red flags” for a tongue/lip tie:
- Poor latch
- Falls asleep while attempting to latch
- Long breastfeeding times
- Baby clamps or bites
- Excessive gas, reflux
- Unable to stick tongue out pass the lips
- Reduced elevation of the tongue less than 70 %
- Dimple shaped tip of the tongue
- Lip curls in during feedings
- Lip has midline callus/blister
- Clicking sounds heard during feedings
- Mother has creased, flattened or blanched nipples
- Mother has bleeding nipples
- Chronic plugged ducts/mastitis
Consultation protocol:
- Your baby will be comprehensively examined utilizing a morpho-functional evaluation. Morphology of the physical structure does not independently solidify a diagnosis. Baby’s symptoms, mother’s observations, mother’s symptoms and breastfeeding difference among siblings all contribute to the total picture.Keep in mind the mother/baby dyad relationship may point to issues that the mother has rather than unilaterally pointing to the cause as coming from the baby. Any consultations, reports or opinions from other specialists should be brought to the appointment
- If a procedure is necessary, seeking a “specialized consultant” that works with Dr. Ligh
- Procedure and Post-procedure protocol -post-surgical follow-ups involving clinical review and pictures of the wound texted to Dr. Ligh are critical to insure lack of re-adhesion. Parents are responsible for stretches for several weeks which will be monitored by Dr. Ligh
- Follow-up if “no procedure” is indicated initially but potentially later
Dr. Ligh has been involved with infants and young children for over 27 years. He understands the entire breastfeeding continuum and the far reaching consequences of the mother/infant bonding experience. He is a Certified Community Lactation Education Counselor through the University of California in San Diego.
Dr. Ligh is Bovie Electrocautery and Soft Tissue Diode Laser trained and has extensive experience with scalpel/suture protocols as well.